
ok, first sorry for not updating

second, is... err.. i don know what to say anymore in blogs.. what do people usually say? about normal stuffs right?

ok, let me try.. well, i need to rethink a plot and i got it (thx to yash) but i am super lazy to write!

oh! n i have another book to read! n ekonomi isn't that hard when u ignore the stuff i got to memorise.. chemist is turning into jeberish...

physics lagi worst! bio seem fun... until the part where u need to answer and memorise stuff...

overal, school still sucks... adious and lots of phileo,


Anonymous said…
Hello Ashlyn!

itz spelled gibberish, dear...

and w-cum, and thx as well...for the mutual favour...

Ashlyn said…
i know.. i onli knew after i tried typing it in mic. words!
Ashlyn said…
the presentation mah.. other than that, its not fun...

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